Herman is no longer an only child. He had to learn the word "share" this week. A stork brought us 2 baby Anna's hummingbirds and a baby California Towhee.
The 2 Anna's Hummingbirds both arrived at the Wildlife Center after being rescued from the UCSB campus in the pouring rain. Since they are already fluttering their wings and hovering, they are much noiser and are always looking for an escape route. I nicknamed them "The Troublemakers".

The California Towhee showed up in the mouth of Wookie, who is the sister of my cat Yoda. The Towhee has a few scratches and an inflated air sac, which all seem to be healing with the help of antibiotics. This bird is loud. It chirps all day long. Non-stop. Not a cute chirp either. Once Dan gets back from Fresno, I will have him post the chirp so you can enjoy it too. I named the bird Zoey the Towhee... not because it rhymes and is another creative name courtesy of me, but because of my brother David. When I told him that there was a bird that attacks Dan's VW Bus mirror every morning, and I explained that it was a towhee, he thought I called I called it Zoey.

And for Herman, he is much bigger now. His feathers are growing, he's gaining coloration, cleaning his beak on the perch alot and moved up to a laundry basket. He did a 180 a few days ago and got a standing ovation. His mama was proud.