Say hello to Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Today is offically my first day as an at-home wildlife rehabber.
I volunteered to watch over two albino mice that were found in a box on a nearby hiking trail. The male was friendly and ready for adoption but the female was not. So... I am supossed to interact with the female as much as possible, getting her used to humans and ready for adoption also. Each mouse has their own cage to prevent mating. I assured Cindy that if any funny business started, I would karate chop them apart. I also asked her a million questions about food, habits, etc... to try to educate myself as much as I could before taking my new friends home with me. I also asked her how to pick them up.... she said not by their tails because they might fall off... I hope she was being facetious.
This should be a piece a cake. If a five year old kid can raise mice, so can I.

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