Nice ball, Minnie
I have decided to put the trama behind me. As a peace offering, I bought Minnie a ball. I guess to give her a feel of freedom and a chance to explore the world, our at least Dan's office.
Day 1 with the ball: Not so good. She stood in the ball trying to escape out of the air vent cracks...
Day 2 with the ball: Much better. Minnie rolled around the room like a champ, especially once she hit the hardwood floor. She also transformed the ball into a rolling toliet. Run, poop, run. A few minutes of running and pooping eventually led to a piece of poop sticking to her forehead. She might have been oblivious to the entire moment but it made my day.

nice ball

i've found myself with shit on my forehead i don't know how many times. evolutionarily, i now see where it comes from.
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