Minnie is the name of my mouse and don't forget it!

Babysitting duty was over a couple weeks ago so I took Minnie back to the Wildlife Center. But, I still see her at least once a week. After each visit with her, an ton of questions race thru my head.... Is she happy here? Will she be adopted soon? Does she remember my scent? Is it ok that I laugh when she runs in her ball full of poop? Should I take her home with me? Will Yoda and Rudy eat her? Can Dan handle having another girl in the house?
Don't bother emailing me....I know am such a sucker for animals. So today at the Center, I made my usual rounds thru the place to see which animals are still around and which are gone for one reason or another. I say hi to the baby dove that loves to perch on my head and then search for Minnie. She is still there but why is there a piece of obnoxious yellow paper taped to her cage? Why does it say M&M? Has someone mistaken my mouse for the candy that melts in your mouth and not in your hands? Um, no. Some craaazy beytch renamed Minnie to M&M. She doesn't even look like a M&M. That idiot. So, I had to do what was right. I turned into junior high Marlene. No, I didn't give myself a bad perm and fluff up my bangs with AquaNet... but I did write 'her name is Minnie' on that obnoxious piece of paper. Wow, I just set that craaazy beytch straight. If she comes on the 9th grade lawn again, I will have to throw her in the trash can. After coming back to reality, I decided it was best to throw that piece of paper away. I am still upset.
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